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Crescendo, then...WHAMO

I find it simply fascinating how a single song has the power to teleport your thoughts to a very specific place in time. It allows you to see the space, feel the emotions, and smell the air around you. This happened for me the other night while sitting comfortably in my living room and enjoying our favorite family show. There was a pause and a commercial came on - it was a woman in a vehicle listening to a children's band concert. The music was in the crescendo and then - whamo - totally off key, every student was giving it all they had, and the sound was simply a way that only a mother could love. It was at that very moment I was transcended to the auditorium where each one of my children sat and played their instrument. Each one of them played this very song and the music was in crescendo - whamo - this mama was BEAMING! That is my baby, did you hear that beautiful sound, they are amazing! After each of their concerts my heart was full - so very grateful for this moment in time, where my child was on stage, and playing with all their heart.

This commercial makes me giggle and then fondly am teleported back to those magical nights of being a mama and beaming love for my kids. Now we joke about how "good" they were as they remind me that none of them still play. But the bigger point is the joy in our journey. Taking these moments and allowing the beautiful memories to come back. To take every opportunity to celebrate the things that are happening in the here and now. It reminds me to be present in the moment and love deep. Because as Nana always says "This too shall pass".

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